engaging KEY-NOTES and workshops On COMMUNIcATION, presence and the art of connecting


Key-note for 27 nationalities

Interactive key-note for 65 people, 27 different nationalities. Working on the deep breathing, an essential key to be more present - “Smell the flower”.

The way we tune ourselves and our presence affects the way we perceive the world and how we interact with people

A new super engaging 1.5 hours interactive key-note that sets focus on presence for better self-management, better meetings and a more sustainable working life. You get insights and science based inspiration shared in an engaging and humoristic way as well as practical techniques and tools from the actor’s toolbox.

  • Can you consciously work with the quality of your presence? 

  • Do you know how to you bring your best self into every room you enter? 

  • Do you want to be that person that everyone wishes to have at their meetings, because the energy is always higher when the meeting lands than when it started?

Read more on presence here and you are very welcome to contact me to talk about how this could fit with your off-site or team day. This key-note was rated 4.8 on a 5 point scale.



Do you wish to be better at connecting with people in order to have even more succesful conversations, collaborations, negotiations and be better at selling your ideas, products or perspectives?

My successful interactive key-note called “The Actors Studio” focuses on how to connect with people when you communicate or wish to sell and idea or a product. I share:

  • Invaluable and very hands on insights from my 30 years of practical experience as an award winning actress on how to use your physicality, voice, time and space to create positive shifts in relations and situations

  • Hard facts from the field of neuroscience, behavioral psychology and F.B.I.’s hostage negotiation communication principles that is a catalyst for bonding and relating with people

  • Principles from the philosophy behind the Japanese Martial Art form Aikido on how to win by working with shifts in energy rather than by using strength

    In simple exercises you get easy to apply, yet powerful tools, for how to activate your physical capacity and project positive energy, use you voice dynamically and be aware of how you govern time and space. After the workshop you have as set of powerful tools that can be a catalyst for the way you connect with people and that can make you communicate and relate with a higher impact.

the actor’s studio communication training

video workshop

In my interactive video workshop, you get the actor’s best practice tips and tricks on how to get your message across in live presentations, on camera and in virtual meetings. You get film actors’ best tricks for how to connect via a camera and how to use your body and voice to communicate with impact while coming across as calm and confident. The workshop can be added to a live training, keynote address or workshop to anchor the teachings or yo are welcome to contact me for a license..

The actor’s studio - a key-note the art of connecting

Duration: 30 minutes to 2.5 hr or as part of a 1/2 day or a full day workshop

Format: Live and online

Price: Starts at 20.000 DKK ex VAT

Having a real impact, when speaking to an audience, is a critical skill for any leader and becoming more important, as the media landscape of our world changes. Puk is able to translate, what she has learned as an Actress, to what you need as a business leader – and all in an incredible engaging way


Duration: 30 minutes to 2.5 hr

Format: Live and online

Price: Starts at 20.000 DKK ex VAT

Leadership is about managing energy, first in yourself and then in others
— Professor James Clawson

Puk Scharbau 2020


Super engaging workshop. It was a lot of fun and there was very good feedback from all the participants. Very specific actions were identified and refined during the workshop and this enabled efficient execution afterwards
— Claudia Lillebjerg Simonsen, Vice President People & Organization

I deliver workshops on core communication themes and receive top evaluations from companies including 

  • Leader Communication - Codan, Trygghansa, Danske Bank, Novo Nordisk, Danske Spil and ...

  • Strategy Communication Novo Nordisk Pharmatech, Yroli, GTS and…

  • Conflict management - University of Copenhagen, The Danish Labor Inspectorate, Niels Bohr Insitute and

  • Change communication - Novo Nordisk, HOFOR, Leo Pharma and...

  • Team communication and collaboration - Oticon, Tivoli and...

  • Presentation techniques - Pandora, Danske Bank, PwC, GroupM, Advice, Novo Nordisk, NNIT, Realdania, Radiometer and...

  • Identifying and communicating the Why - Innovation Fund Denmark, GTS, The academy of our time and...

  • Innovation and idea workshops - Astra Zeneca, Discovery Channel and...

  • Executive Presence - Novo Nordisk, Danske Bank, Red Bull, NNE, Velux, and...

  • Media Training - Abena, Bristol Myers-Squibb and...

  • Challenging conversations and the coaching leadership style - Deloitte, Novo Nordisk

I operate internationally and design training formats for diverse multi-national groups

I deliver value-adding workshops that targets specific needs in a co-creative, interactive way.
I have a proven track record of delivering workshop and conference formats for anywhere from 8 to 400 people with a high output and great customer satisfaction.

I’m committed to design training formats with a universal learning perspective in order to embrace diversity in nationality and culture also in large participant groups.

Besides operating in Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia and Europe I feel very privileged to be involved in communication and leader training in regions and countries such as China, Japan, the Middle East and Africa. A recent destination was Saudi Arabia, where I facilitated Wiser Communication’s proven leader communication training for a global company with headquarters in Denmark. 

Facilitated online communication TRAINING

for leaders and specialists

This example of a virtual communication and presentation training program, was developed and tested with success for specialists and leaders in the pharmaceutical industry who needs to convey complex knowledge and still reach their receiver with a high impact

We work case based and the 3 hours training modules makes it easy to incorporate in a work day and test your new skills right away.

Program: 3 x 3,5 hour modules, open window with the trainer once weekly, and learning teams working meeting between modules.

Up to 18 participants

Puk has conducted one of NNIT’s talent programmes since 2011. Puk always gets top evaluations at the workshops she leads. She is excellent at engaging and motivating all the participants and she consistently gives appreciative and developing feedback. Her experience from her former career as an actress is an additional strengthening factor, which she combines with a theoretical foundation and understanding of business issues.
— Annemarie Falk, NNIT Advanced Org. Development Consultant HR Business Partners & Development

Workshop examples



Communicate with impact. - Clear, engaging and reciever-oriented communication

80 people - 41 different nationalities - the pharmaceutical area

Presenting with a high impact

Plan and prepare your message and present it and get individual feedback- video filming by choice. You get learn how to use 4 best practice communication tools, you get on the floor and train your body-language and your vocal dynamics and you present in 2 rounds with fintensee feedback. 8-40 people.

Communicate with impact for specialists

Plan and prepare your message, handle the communication situation and present with a hig impact - even under pressure

18 specialist - 2 days courses

Leadership communication in times of change

35 people - 12 different nationalities - the finance area

Team communication, collaboration and conflict management

30 people - 2 nationalities - public office DK

Innovation and idea workshop

 400 people - 4 nationalities - the pharmaceutical area WHY are we here? Identifying and communicating our purpose