1:1 presentation and communication training

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I have just delivered the presentation that I’ve been fearing for a long time and used all the tricks and insights you shared with us. It was brief, concise and to the point. Management had no comments and they all nodded happily. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom – that’s what made me ‘win’ today
— Project lead, Global development

1:1 presentation and COMMUNICATION TRAINING

Create followership and energy in every room you enter



For professionals, leaders and executives who wish to Maximize impact, influence and persuasive power with individual sessions

Focus on your individual needs and successful development including a communication tool-box, body-setting and vocal dynamics training

Training design

In my experience I can help and develop people in 3 sessions, with time to train and implement the techniques in between sessions.

Session 1: Scanning your exact needs and focus on specific techniques that will support your personal journey

Next sessions: We apply the techniques to your specific real life challenges. We use video recording, for feedback and you can witness and acknowledge your own progress.

Longer training formats will make us dive deeper into your communication competencies, see more below:.

Crafting messages starts with a well tested toolbox for strategic communication

With your receivers in focus, we focus on preparing and structuring your messages using tested best practice communication tools. We focus on dialogue skills, the art of asking questions, how to handle resistance gracefully and how to use storytelling to create emotional impact.

Communication skills that makes you govern the room, connect with people and get your message across

You learn how to use body-setting techniques to express leadership with your body, voice and energy and how to stay calm, centered and concise even under pressure.

The wiser communication 3C model

Working on your communication competencies we can work on all three levels of my Wiser Communication 3C model.

First you must strategically plan and structure your message and content.

In order to communicate your content with a high impact, you need to connect and bond with your receivers.

In order to connect with people, you need to be centered in yourself, in mind, body and in your core values. See more on leader communication and 1:1 training herehatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Your Output



The training enables you to govern the room and create followership in every room you enter and to communicate complex messages clearly, in a way that engages and involves your listeners. It will make you connect with people on both a rational and an emotional level. The aim is to find your own unique style, so you stand out as a confident and clear communicator with a high impact

We work with practical exercises, figuring out your mindset and self-image through the use of communication techniques, preparation templates and video recording. You recieve specific feedback on your personal communication challenges and on how to refine your speaking style.

  • Get a well tested tool-box to prepare and structure your content so you successfully influence people and puts your message across with maximum impact

  • Prepare and anchor yourself, through the use of physical techniques that affects your brain so you work, communicate and interact using both your mind, heart and body

  • Learn how to govern and transmit positive energy 

  • Be more aware of how your sense of timing and your use of the space around you can support your confidence and make you come across with more impact

  • Learn how to avoid responding to emotional triggers or pressure - and take responsible choices

  • Get insights into the compassionate and non-violent mindset of the Japanese martial art of Aikido, where you work with a confrontation to mitigate it rather than fight it.

Here is an example of a 3 session training journey. The content will be adjusted to your exact needs and can also focus more on how to activate your physical capacity and your energy by the use of body-setting and vocal dynamics:

Puk’s skills as a personal communication coach and advisor combined with her professional training as an actress make her an excellent instructor and advisor. She contributed with rhetorical and strategic input for the message making and writing for my keynote speeches. She helped me practice my communication skills, so I could take the stage in front of an international crowd of 1800 members with confidence I highly recommend Puk to leaders and who would like to reach a higher performance level
— Charlotte Enghave Fruergaard Partner, Global Consulting, NNE Pharmaplan


a technique for better leadership and communication

that is always at hand



Body-setting is to intentionally use your posture, breathing, projection and the space around you to enhance your communication potential. You can consciously use your body to improve your communication, express your leadership, transmit positive energy and govern a room.

We use our body to tune in to others and influence them. And our body is also the entrance to tap into our intuitive power and align heart and head to take wiser decisions.

 Get introduced to the Body-setting concept in this video.

Vocal Dynamics training




The voice serves is an essential aspect of a leader’s persona brand. By practicing “body-setting” and other vocal dynamics, your voice is heard and listened to, as research shows that when we activate our body when we speak we come across as more persuasive, powerful and charismatic.

  • Use a supported, deep breathing technique as the basis of the voice work and come across as more energetic and powerful 

  • Use pauses as a re-enforcement tool and to speak at a listener-friendly tempo

  • Use intonation to encode the message with intentions and lead peoples’ attention to the core of the message.

I invite you to listen and be inspired by my new podcast about the voice, power and identity and how you can use your voice to get more influence. The way we use our voice affects how we come across at our job and in our life as such.

The origin of our voice

We can think of ourselves as biological instruments with anatomical preconditions that determine our vocal range. Additionally, we are socialized to using our voices in specific ways, and we are influenced by the people we grew up and those in our surroundings or community.

Many people feel uncomfortable when they listen to a recording of their own voice and do not realize that they can do something about it. In fact, everyone can learn to expand their vocal range




I focus on enhancing the leader’s unique personality in a strength-based process, starting with what works well already, what could be improved, and which tools and techniques can be used to make a greater impact in verbal communication. 

In the training process, we create simulations of typical communication situations from everyday work life, such as presentations, meetings, interviews and challenging dialogues. 

We use video recordings for immediate evaluation and feedback. This enables us to observe and listen to the differences produced by applying the vocal techniques. If relevant, we will also work with the client’s self-image and personal narrative.

The training sessions are planned after an introductory dialogue, where we identify and discuss the leader’s individual strengths and development points. The leader brings a communication case from his or her work life, which we will act out and make a video recording of in order to evaluate the individual presentation technique, the dynamic voice work and how the leader uses their body language, the space around them and gestures – this is also done when we work online. Feedback is offered so the leader can get the highest impact and come across as an authentic and strong communicator.



Executive 1:1 training with CEO of Yroli, Trine-Lise Buestad Kjeldsmark

Photo by Jacqueline Fluri




Middle manager and specialist communication training

Venue: Charlottenlund slot, Jægerborg allé 1

3 session format - 2 hours + 2 x 1.5 hours 20.000 DKK ex vat

5 session format - 2 hours + 4 x 1 hours 24.000 DKK ex vat

8 session format - 2 hours + 7 x 1 hours 36.000 DKK ex vat

Sessions 2000 + preparation 2000 DKK that includes all pre-dialogue, preparation time and follow up after each session.

Confirmed bookings of a training session may be cancelled or changed up to 48 hours from the session start time without any payment. If a scheduled session is cancelled less than 48 hours before the scheduled time, there will be no reduction in fees.

Executive communication training

Venue: Charlottenlund slot, Jægerborg allé 1 or at your space.

5 session format - 1.5 hours + 4 x 1 hour 27.500 DKK ex vat

8 session format - 1.5 hours + 7 x 1 hour 42.500 DKK ex vat

Sessions 2500 + preparation 2000 DKK that includes all pre-dialogue, preparation time and follow up after each session.

Confirmed bookings of a training session may be cancelled or changed up to 48 hours from the session start time without any payment. If a scheduled session is cancelled less than 48 hours before the scheduled time, there will be no reduction in fees.


In today’s business world good communication skills are no longer a “nice to have”, they are absolutely vital. Having the most amazing business ideas is one thing, communicating those ideas to inspire others is quite another.
— Steve Knight, Insead