CommunicATE persuasively on screen, in videos,
in virtual meetings and in front of the camera
When communicating under pressure you need to stay centered within yourself, express your message clearly and come across as a person we can trust and would like to connect with. How can you do that?
Media training
In a great collaboration with Advice A/S I offer a unique version of media training that combines the public relations and presentation skills of a spin doctor with the interviewing techniques of a journalist with an actor's methods for staying centered and connecting with others through the use of strategic verbal and non-verbal communication.
camera Love
On screen- and video presence
Today we need to communicate with impact on screen at virtual meetings and in video communication. To master this and come across as authentic, clear and engaging as possible I offer you practical training customized to your specific needs and communication situations. You are welcome to contact me for a dialogue on the exact options that can support you and take your on screen communication to the next level.
From live communication to online from the working methods of the theatre to those of the film industry
my 7 best tips from the film actor’s tool box
When you communicate or record a presentation online, you may find that using the film actor’s working methods helps you to enhance your presence and sense of contact.
1. Imagine that you’re looking through the camera lens at your ideal audience member and talk to them exclusively
2. Laugh inwardly to yourself before you begin. It will leave your eyes and face looking warm, smiling and attentive – straighten your posture and focus your presence and attention towards the screen
3. Talk with an embodied voice and use your body and your hands actively. This will affect your voice and allow you to articulate and use your tone of voice dynamically
4. Use Michael Caine’s film trick and try speaking at a volume you would use if the person you were communicating with was sitting on your shoulder. This means that subconsciously, you can stop yourself from shouting in order to reach your audience
5. Maintain eye contact and thus your attention until the echo of what you have said has subsided and your message has reached your audience
6. Use pauses often to create impact and give your message weight – ‘smell the flower’ and this will force you to take a deep breath all the way down into your stomach
7. Think of something that makes you smile, and let that inward smile light up your face while listening