Wiser Leadership development


Coaching and professional sparring



Do you take time to cultivate your leadership and reflect on your ethics, patterns and beliefs?

Are you aware of the core values you navigate from?

Do you use your body and energy wisely to lead and connect with people?

As your coach and sparring partner I function as your “external hard-disc”. Together we widen up your reflection span and shed light on mental roadblocks. We expand the field of possibilities for you to take even wiser decisions and thrive in your leadership and your life as such.

  • I meet you with questions, suggestions and practical exercises to unlock your inner strengths

  • I support you in how to connect with your inner voice, your beliefs and values in order to connect deeper with other people and execute wisely

  • I offer you mindsets, methods, strategic communication tools to optimize your leadership praxis and communication

As a professional actress I share hands-on techniques on how to also use your body and energy to express your leadership and create connections with people.

Since 2002, I have been working in Denmark and Globally to support more than 6000 leaders with advisory, training and coaching.




I’m a certified Master Of Business Coaching. My coaching capacity leverage physiological frameworks based on cognitive, psychodynamic and systemic approaches and I tap into the ones that create the most optimal results for you and your unique needs in that moment..

The philosophical dialogue form protreptic is central to my method. Protreptic is a leadership coaching form that makes clear reference to Aristotle and his leadership academies. It helps you to be clear and conscious about the values that you lead from, so you can lead with integrity and succeed in creating followership.




I’m trained in tapping into a deeper intuitive mode where I share the images, symbols and messages that I receive and see in that state of being. This aspect of my advisory can fuel your journey with inspiration, clarity and guidance. As I blend this with straight forward advisory, you leave with concrete next steps, food for reflection, hope and motivation.

Do you wish to tap into a more wise decision power than mere rational thinking? I can guide you in how to tune more into and listen to your purest voice. The voice you sense when you are present in mind and body and truthful to yourself. A state you can connect with by a praxis meditation, focus on breathing and body-mind connection

To be spiritual, to me, it’s to be connected to our inner voice and the most exquisite quality in ourself.

See client’s feedback here




Working on your communication competencies we can work on all three levels of the Wiser Communication 3C model.

First you must strategically plan and structure your message and content.

In order to communicate your content with a high impact, you need to connect and bond with your receivers.

In order to connect with people, you need to be centered in yourself, in mind, body and in your core values. See more on leader communication and 1:1 training here





A technique for better communication and leadership that is always at hand

Do you wish to refine how your read and connect with people?

Do you wish to create followership and transmit positive energy in everything you do?

Leadership is expressed in your body, your presence and the energy you transmit. How you lead yourself affects how you sense and lead other people.

Body-setting is your short cut through the body to stay calm and responsive, even in the eye of a hurricane.

It’s about transforming relations, situations and conversations by using your physical capacities, intentions and how you project energy. The method is my blend of subtle techniques from the actor’s world and Marshall arts. 

Body-setting helps you to become fully present in the moment and stay graceful even under pressure. Your posture, breathing pattern and projection of energy affects your bio-chemistry and how you think and speak.

Your body is an instrument you can play to optimize your mental approach and how you connect with people. It is through the physical body that we are able to tune in to others. Our senses pick up information and transmit it to our minds, which enables us to interpret and decode messages spontaneously and instantaneously as we interact and communicate in person.

By consciously working with your body, breathing, energy, vocal power, timing and your sense of space you can stay responsive and take wiser choices instead of just reacting.

Here a video introduction to the core ideas of Body-setting.

You are also welcome to dive into my Master Thesis on the subject: Leadership and the body’s capacity; a phenomelogical study of how to use body, time and space as navigation points to shift more weight onto the Being. -  here




I strive to develop leaders, specialists and teams so they lead themselves, people and their business agendas wisely and succeed to thrive in their personal- as well as in their professional lives.

Since 2002, I have been working in Denmark and Globally and supported more than 6500 leaders with advisory, training and coaching.