Hvad er protreptik

Protreptik er en filosofisk dialogform, som oprindeligt blev brugt af Aristoteles på de klassiske græske ledelsesakademier. Protreptik kan oversættes til at vende et menneske mod sig selv. Det er en samtaledisciplin, som drejer sig om at skabe indsigt gennem dialog, hvor fokuspersonen konfronterer nye dimensioner af sin selvbevidsthed. Fremfor at tale ind i situationer eller følelser som i andre coachingdiscipliner, så holder man sig i protreptikken på begrebs- og værdiniveau. Resultatet er, at den coachede får en dybere forståelse af, hvad begreber og værdier betyder for den coachede selv. Og dermed kan navigere ud fra dem i dagligdagens beslutninger og handlinger. 


Protreptics is a form of philosophical dialogue originally used by Aristotle in the classical Greek academies of management. Protreptics can be translated as the art of turning a person against themselves. It is a conversational discipline that deals with creating insight through dialogue, where the focus person confronts new dimensions of their self-awareness. Rather than speaking into situations or feelings as in other coaching disciplines, you stay in the protreptic at the level of concepts and values. The result is that the coachee gets a deeper understanding of how the concepts and values impact them on a personal level, allowing the individual to navigate based on values in their everyday decisions and actions.

Gilleleje, 2021