For professionals, leaders and executives who wish to Maximize impact, influence and persuasive power with individual sessions
Body-setting is a technique for better leadership and communication that is always at hand
Body-setting is to intentionally use your posture, breathing, projection and the space around you to enhance your communication potential. You can consciously use your body to improve your communication, express your leadership, transmit positive energy and govern a room.
We use our body to tune in to others and influence them. And our body is also the entrance to tap into our intuitive power and align heart and head to take wiser decisions
In this video I introduce the Body-setting concept.
For professionals in jobs where an ability to communicate orally is essential and a high impact delivery necessary – even under pressure.
Get a well tested tool-box to prepare and structure your content so you successfully influence people and puts your message across with maximum impact
• Prepare and anchor yourself, through the use of physical techniques that affects your brain so you work, communicate and interact using both your mind, heart and body
Learn how to govern and transmit positive energy
• Be more aware of how your sense of timing and your use of the space around you can support your confidence and make you come across with more impact
• Learn how to avoid responding to emotional triggers or pressure - and take responsible choices
• Get insights into the compassionate and non-violent mindset of the Japanese martial art of Aikido, where you work with a confrontation to mitigate it rather than fight it.
PROGRAM 1 - leaders and specialists
Case-based work
We work with a communication case/situation from your work life in simulated situations and focus on how to deliver a clear message, stay responsive and govern the room. We work practically with body-setting techniques vocal dynamics. You get feedback so you get the highest impact and come across as an authentic and strong communicator.
Communicate with impact - training format of 3 x 1:1 sessions
Pre-work package with questionnaire in order to track your improvements. We will work with the content as described below, in the training output section:
Session 1. 2 hours. We focus on your needs + an individual action plan. Getting the basics right, techniques introduced and trained, transfer to your everyday work life. You get a well tested tool box to prepare and deliver oral communication that influences people and puts your message across with maximum impact Video and feedback.
Session 2. 1.5 hours. Deeper dive into the techniques and we work on a a real life communication case from your everyday work life.
Session 3. 1.5 hours. Anchoring the techniques, further training depending on your most immediate challenges. Designing your individual centering and body-setting routine for your future use.
You should calculate 10 minutes for your continuous training time pr day and 1 hour between sessions.
PROGRAM 2- leaders aNd specialists
The high impact communicator - an intensive and tranformative and game changing 8 or 10 x 1:1 session program
At this customized training program, we will work with the same content as described above, and plan an exact program design that ensures a transformative development journey, that fits your personality, your work life and your ambitions and your next goals. I will be your coach and sparring partner on every day communication challenges and larger events coming up, where you really need to deliver and perform at your best.
Cost - please contact Puk Scharbau for a personal proposal.
Program 3 - executives
An intense and well tested program for executives customised to the specific needs 8 or 10 sessions
This exclusive and intensive training formats develops your leadership and communication capacity by focusing on core aspects of your oral communication and presence. The training enhances your communication capacity – even in situations where you are under pressure. You get a well tested tool box to prepare and deliver oral communication that influences people and puts your message across with maximum impact. As you become even more aware of how to use your voice as a communication tool, your embodied and vibrant voice will support your message and your connection to the people around you. Cost - please contact Puk Scharbau for a personal proposal.
Practical information – how we work online
The online live training sessions take place on Teams, and you should join the training from a room where you can freely stand up and use your voice.
You will get access to training material and videos with a password to the Wiser Communication learning platform
The voice serves is an essential aspect of a leader’s persona brand. By practicing “body-setting” and other vocal dynamics, your voice is heard and listened to, as research shows that when we activate our body when we speak we come across as more persuasive, powerful and charismatic.
Use a supported, deep breathing technique as the basis of the voice work and come across as more energetic and powerful
Use pauses as a re-enforcement tool and to speak at a listener-friendly tempo
Use intonation to encode the message with intentions and lead peoples’ attention to the core of the message.
I invite you to listen and be inspired by my new podcast about the voice, power and identity and how you can use your voice to get more influence. The way we use our voice affects how we come across at our job and in our life as such.