Body-setting is a technique for better leadership and communication that is always at hand
Body-setting is to intentionally use your posture, breathing, projection and the space around you to enhance your communication potential. You can consciously use your body to improve your communication, express your leadership, transmit positive energy and govern a room.
We use our body to tune in to others and influence them. And our body is also the entrance to tap into our intuitive power and align heart and head to take wiser decisions
In this video I introduce the Body-setting concept.
The voice serves is an essential aspect of a leader’s persona brand. By practicing “body-setting” and other vocal dynamics, your voice is heard and listened to, as research shows that when we activate our body when we speak we come across as more persuasive, powerful and charismatic.
Use a supported, deep breathing technique as the basis of the voice work and come across as more energetic and powerful
Use pauses as a re-enforcement tool and to speak at a listener-friendly tempo
Use intonation to encode the message with intentions and lead peoples’ attention to the core of the message.Using your vocal dynamics is a powerful way to enhance your leadership communication In my individual executive training format I aim to develop the client’s leadership capacity by focusing on core aspects of their personal communication style.
The voice serves as an audio business card and is an essential aspect of a leader’s persona brand. A vibrant voice gets people’s attention - and keeps it. We focus on using the body as an instrument to produce a harmonious, dynamic voice. By practicing “body-setting” and other vocal dynamics, your voice is heard and listened to. You get your authentic message across and make a powerful impression.
I invite you to listen and be inspired by my new podcast about the voice, power and identity and how you can use your voice to get more influence. The way we use our voice affects how we come across at our job and in our life as such.
The podcast is produced by me and my colleague Sidse Carstens
The origin of our voice
We can think of ourselves as biological instruments with anatomical preconditions that determine our vocal range. Additionally, we are socialized to using our voices in specific ways, and we are influenced by the people we grew up and those in our surroundings or community.
Many people feel uncomfortable when they listen to a recording of their own voice and do not realize that they can do something about it. In fact, everyone can learn to expand their vocal range
Training design
In my experience I can help and develop people in 3 sessions, with time to train and implement the techniques in between sessions.
Session 1: Scanning your exact needs and focus on specific techniques that will support your personal journey
Next sessions: We apply the techniques to your specific real life challenges. We use video recording, for feedback and you can witness and acknowledge your own progress.
Executive training format
I also have executive clients that have 15 session over a 3-months period in order to really transform the way you use your voice: How you use your voice is linked to your life journey, the expectations you have to yourself and the roles and positions you have found yourself in. This enables you to take advantage of my expertise and encouragement as a motivational coach all the way along your personal development journey.
Pre-training package
Prior to session 1: Inspirational videos as well as a short questionnaire on your strengths and development points
Session 1 – 60-minute session incl. pre-training package
Learning journey. This consists of exploration, an initial presentation and video recording and agreement on developmental goals. Introduction to the dynamic voice techniques.
Session 2-3 or 2-5: 60-minute sessions
Presentation + video recording (online) The leader receives personal feedback.
Continued work on the basics of dynamic voice techniques – applying them to real life scenarios. Training videos are produced on a continuous basis to meet the client’s specific needs.
Session 6-10/15: 60-minute sessions
A deeper dive into the techniques and an evaluation of how these changes in vocal projection enhance the client’s leadership style.
Simulation of work situations and feedback on video presentation. Further anchoring of vocal, centering and breathing techniques in order to create impact. These are planned according to specific needs.
The leader is introduced to a set of vocal techniques used by actors and public speakers that maximizes his or her influence, impact and persuasive power.
Practicing these exercises and applying these techniques will enable the leader to use his or her voice in an even more dynamic way. The result is that the client is able to:
Speak with a full bodied and supported voice. We know from research that when we activate our body as we speak and not just our throat, we come across as more persuasive, powerful and charismatic. Whole body speaking is a more sustainable way to speak forcefully for a longer time.
Use a supported, deep breathing technique as the basis of the voice work that automatically produces a more energetic and powerful communication style, whenever needed.
Use pauses as a re-enforcement tool and speak at a listener-friendly tempo
Use intonation to encode the message with intentions and lead peoples’ attention to the core of the message. Become familiar with claptraps and the rhetoric “rule of three”
Apply techniques to adjust and “body-set” themselves in order to be calm and centred and connect with people – even under pressure. This enables the client to work strategically with all of the methods described above
Be able to capture attention at meetings and presentations and keep it simply through the use of their voice and the different “body-setting” techniques.
I focus on enhancing the leader’s unique personality in a strength-based process, starting with what works well already, what could be improved, and which tools and techniques can be used to make a greater impact in verbal communication.
In the training process, we create simulations of typical communication situations from everyday work life, such as presentations, meetings, interviews and challenging dialogues.
We use video recordings for immediate evaluation and feedback. This enables us to observe and listen to the differences produced by applying the vocal techniques. If relevant, we will also work with the client’s self-image and personal narrative.
The training sessions are planned after an introductory dialogue, where we identify and discuss the leader’s individual strengths and development points. The leader brings a communication case from his or her work life, which we will act out and make a video recording of in order to evaluate the individual presentation technique, the dynamic voice work and how the leader uses their body language, the space around them and gestures – this is also done when we work online. Feedback is offered so the leader can get the highest impact and come across as an authentic and strong communicator.